What if you could...
- Build a multimillion-dollar business
- Lose 20, 50, or even 100 lbs
- Strengthen and re-ignite your marriage
- Get rid of stress, worry, and anxiety
- And turn ANY thought into a living reality
… using nothing more than the speakers on your phone?
In a moment, I’ll show you HOW many people have made this possible…
But before I do, I need to tell you something…
You’ve been lied to.
The vision boards…
Positive thinking…
“More discipline”…
Morning routines…
NONE of those things will help you achieve the success and life you desire.
If they were the answer to humanity’s problems…
Then why is the weight loss industry worth billions of dollars?
Why are business coaches making millions teaching others how to make money?
Why are you here reading this right now?
I’m guessing you’ve tried some or all of the famous “guru” strategies…
Only to find yourself back where you started.
Or even further away from your goals.
And you want REAL answers so you can stop searching… and start LIVING.
The truth is that you and I aren’t that different.
In fact, it wasn’t that long ago that I was right where you are…
… wondering WHY I couldn’t achieve the success I craved.
At the time, I was trying to grow my business…
But I was dead broke.
To make matters worse, I had just gone through a brutal divorce.
I remember asking a well-known mindset coach, “WHY?”
I asked him, “What’s wrong with me? What am I doing wrong?”
Here’s what he said:
“Your beliefs are creating your reality”
So I asked him…
“How do I know what my beliefs are?”
His answer?
“Look are your environment.”
Your external environment will tell you what your internal beliefs are?
That didn’t make ANY sense to me.
And this is what every self-help book and mindset “guru” teaches.
They tell you to…
Find your WHY.
Change your beliefs.
Think positively.
But what they DON’T tell you is how to know what your current beliefs are.
Think about it…
How can you change your beliefs if you don’t know what they are?
It would be like trying to drive from California to New york without knowing you’re in California.
You must know where you’re starting.
You must understand the SCIENCE about…
→ Where beliefs come from and how they form
→ Why we think the way we do
→ Why we feel the way we do
Because only then will you be able to realign and rewire your mind to achieve the life you ultimately desire.
After 27+ years of studying the science of success and achievement, quantum physics, psychology, and neurology…
Your Past Experiences Are The Real Reason You Struggle To Reach Your Goals.
Your post experiences are the reason you are stuck.
It’s why you don’t wake up excited to start the day.
It’s why you can’t create the income you want for yourself.
Because somewhere in your past…
You experienced something that your brain perceived as a threat or a danger, creating a mechanism to avoid it.
This is why – no matter how much money they make – people can’t seem to keep it.
It’s why some will lose 20 lbs and put it right back on.
It’s why people are poor.
Because they never solved the REAL issue.
They’ve only slapped a band-aid on it.
The good news is…
I’ve Developed A Scientifically PROVEN Process To Help You Rewire Your Past Experiences.
Once you rewire your past experiences, ANYTHING is possible.
So whether you want to…
- Lose weight for GOOD and increase your overall energy (without strict diets)
- Work LESS so you can spend more time with your family (while scaling your business)
- Increase your income and hit record business months (without grinding and working longer)
- Heal your past traumatic experiences so you can move forward (and wake up excited and enthusiastic about life)
- Find your purpose and live a life of contribution (and never feel lost again)
Whatever it is you want…
I’ve created four complete training videos to walk you through the EXACT rewiring processes and exercises to turn your dreams into a reality.
But don’t take my word for it.
Let me introduce you to those who’ve used my scientific rewiring techniques to experience monumental changes in their life:

The truth is that you can experience similar results when you rewire your mind and body for success.
Which is EXACTLY what I’ll teach you how to do inside these four complete rewire courses.
Here’s everything you get with the Four Course Rewire Bundle:
- Why becoming wealthy is NOT hard
- What no one else has taught you about becoming wealthy
- How to THINK like the wealthiest people in the world
- The two nervous systems controlling your life and how to rewire them the right way to achieve the life and business you’ve always dreamed of
- What wealth really means and how to attain it without sacrificing the things you love most (time, family, your sanity, etc.)
- How to uncover who you truly are so you can stop living a life for others and find what YOU are meant to do
- The REAL science behind why you feel the way you do, think the way you do, and behave the way you do
- How to integrate your mind and heart to merge your logic and emotions so you can achieve the highest state of living (your body will literally be operating at it’s highest energetic frequency
- Why postive thinking is KILLING your progress and blinding you to who you truly are and what you’re meant to do
- The two types of harmful traumas in your life: Positive and negative (and how BOTH traumas lead us to become addicted to the life we do NOT want)
- How to bring your thoughts and emotions into a state of balance and harmony
- How to appreciate everything you have in your life so you can life a life of gratitude (and turn your traumatic past experiences into a FUEL for your success)
- Why most people are living in massive amount of fear and stress and how it creates patterns that keep them stuck
- How to increase the frequency you resonate at so you can skyrocket your overall energy, wellness, and wealth.
- The one area of your brain that keeps you stuck and how to rewire it to get unstuck and overcome feelings of anxiety, stress, and worry.
- Why your “why” is NOT the secret to achieving success (and the one question you should be asking yourself each morning instead)
- How to live a life inspired so you can remove all your limitations and feel more love and excitement for the life you live
- The two psychological “zones” most people are living in and how they are keeping you away from the “third” zone required to achieve the lasting success and fulfillment you desire
- Why BIG goals are merely a fantasy that you’ll never create (and how to set goals that align with who you truly are)
- Why there is NO such thing as a limiting belief and what is actually holding you back from creating the life you desire
- The #1 reason your goals and aspirations are just compensations of who you THINK you need to be (don’t set another goal until you watch this)
- And so much more.
These four trainings will force you to think differently.
They will challenge everything you’ve been taught about wealth, success, and achievement.
However, if you apply what you learn and do the exercises…
I PROMISE you that you’re going to see results.
There’s a science to everything I teach.
And after helping thousands of people around the world…
It’s easy to see that my process actually works.
How much does it cost?
People have literally paid thousands of dollars to access the trainings I’m giving you.
And my private clients have paid much more to get this level of training.
But I’ve decided to do something special for you since you took action and decided to watch my documentary.
I want to give you all four of these rewiring trainings for for one easy payment of $99.
That’s just 27 cents a day for the next year.
27 cents a day… and you can finally understand who YOU are, what you’re meant to do, and how to turn your vision into a tangible reality.
27 cents a day… and you can rewire your mind and body to get unstuck, live life inspired, and create true wealth.
Is that worth 27 cents to you?
The choice is yours.
But if you’re done searching for answers…
And you’re ready to start taking aligned actions that will move you closer to achieving the results you truly want…
Click the button below:
Meet The Doctor
Dr. Trivedi is a media personality and the author of “Chasing Success: Lessons in Aligned Performance.” He has been featured on CBS, NBC, Fox News, Shape Magazine, and Global News.
Dr. Trivedi began his career by building one of the largest healthcare clinics in the country. He has been studying the science of success, fulfillment and human behavior for 27 years. Dr. T is an expert in rewiring people’s brains to turn stress into success.
In 2021 Dr. Trivedi and the Aligned Performance Institute was named as one of the Inc. 5000 fastest growing companies.
He is sought out by entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs to rewire their thinking so they can transform their money, business and life.
Freqently Asked Questions:
Will this really help me rewire my life so I can achieve the results I want?
Yes. Here’s why: For the past 27+ years, I’ve studied the science of achievement, success, the brain, the body, psychology, quantum physics, etc. And I’ve used my experience to help thousands of the world’s top athletes, CEOs, celebrities, and entrepreneurs rewire their minds and achieve new breakthroughs in their life and business. What I teach is rooted DEEP in science. It’s 67% more successful than vision boards, affirmations, and positive thinking.
What if I don’t see results?
If you do what I tell you and you still don’t see results in your life, just contact us at support@drrewire.com, and we’ll refund you in FULL. There’s ZERO risk. The only risk is NOT joining and continuing to be stuck.
What will happen after I purchase my 4 videos?
Once you purchase your videos, we’ll send you an email with access to your account. Inside your account, you’ll find all four of your video trainings so you can get started rewiring your mind and life immediately.