Elevate Your Coaching Game & Make a Bigger Impact

Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge

Exclusive access to proven rewire processes that will revolutionize your practice. Learn how to implement these powerful techniques to enhance your clients' lives and elevate your business.

Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge

Exclusive access to proven rewire processes that will revolutionize your practice.
Learn how to implement these powerful techniques to enhance your clients' lives and elevate your business.

✨ WhAt You’ll Learn In This 5 Day Challenge

You Win 2 Ways!

Get The Rewire Tools For Your Business… AND Make A Bigger Impact Helping Your Clients

✨ It’s Time To Wake Up…

If you’re a healer, coach, or clinic owner you’re dead set on a mission.

You’ve probably got a burning desire to heal, to help, to transform lives…

But let’s face it, passion alone doesn’t pay the bills or create real lasting change in others.

You need more than just good intentions to create a business that thrives and grows.

That’s where The Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge comes in.

You’ve put in the hours, now you can access Dr. Rewire’s decades of experience and use proven rewire systems and processes to achieve quick lasting results with your clients.

Now is the time to experience breakthrough in your income and create the life of impact and freedom you desire.

In this action-packed, 5-day challenge, I’m giving the exact rewire systems to raise your client’s mindset and help you achieve a massive influx of wealth.

I’m talking about evidence-based techniques that place the brain in peak performance that is proven on EEG (electroencephalogram) scans.

The 'Improve Your Coaching Skills' Challenge Will Show You How to Have A Life-Changing Impact & Get Your Clients The Results They Crave

Click the button below to sign up for the free Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge now.


250% Growth In Business Revenue

Dr. Molly Hamilton

“Since working with Dr. T my practice has grown by about 250% in a year. I’ve got so many different opportunities placed in front of me. I got interviewed for 4 different magazines.”

Made $100K In
4 Months

Monique Ramirez

“First 90 days of working with Dr. Trivedi, I made my first $80,000. A month thereafter, I made an additional $20,000. So in the first 4 months with Dr. Trivedi, I learned my value, and I made $100,000.”

400% Business Growth Sustained YoY

Rebecca Louise

“400% growth that has continued to remain. It is sustained, and now the consistency and the growth and the earning to continue attracting the leads…”

190% Increase In Business Income And 135% Increase In Team Cash


“I was able to increase our business income by over last year. We’re up by 190%. Our team cash was up by 135%.”

Doubled Income
And Changed Life Dynamics


“We have actually doubled our income… that’s a hundred percent growth… it totally changed the dynamics of my personal life, my relationships that I have with my sons and relationships that I have with my wife.”

From $200,000 to $1,000,000 With Smart Money Live

Joseph Ward

“It was revolutionary… Very impactful… Allowed me to at least 5X my income. If you ever have an opportunity to come to an event like this it will be worth its weight in gold.”

The stories are just a glimpse of what’s possible when you take action on the 5-Day Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge.
Just imagine if you could secure your first paid speech as a chiropractor or boost your massage therapy business by 62% in just six months.

Click the button below to join The Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge and start your journey to extraordinary success.


250% Growth In Business Revenue

Dr. Molly Hamilton

“Since working with Dr. T my practice has grown by about 250% in a year. I’ve got so many different opportunities placed in front of me. I got interviewed for 4 different magazines.”

Made $100K In

Monique Ramirez

“First 90 days of working with Dr. Trivedi, I made my first $80,000. A month thereafter, I made an additional $20,000. So in the first 4 months with Dr. Trivedi, I learned my value, and I made $100,000.”

Doubled Income And Changed Life Dynamics


“We have actually doubled our income… that’s a hundred percent growth… it totally changed the dynamics of my personal life, my relationships that I have with my sons and relationships that I have with my wife.”

400% Business Growth Sustained

Rebecca Louise

“400% growth that has continued to remain. It is sustained, and now the consistency and the growth and the earning to continue attracting the leads…”

190% Increase In Business Income And 135% Increase In Team Cash


“I was able to increase our business income by over last year. We’re up by 190%. Our team cash was up by 135%.”

From $200,000 to $1,000,000 With Smart Money Live

Joseph Ward

“It was revolutionary… Very impactful… Allowed me to at least 5X my income. If you ever have an opportunity to come to an event like this it will be worth its weight in gold.”

The stories are just a glimpse of what’s possible when you take action on the 5-Day Ultimate Life Challenge.
Just imagine if you could secure your first paid speech as a chiropractor or boost your massage therapy business by 62% in just six months.

Click the button below to join The Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge and start your journey to maximum impact!


Before The Challenge

After The Challenge


Dr. Alok Trivedi

Dr. Rewire is renowned for building the largest healthcare clinic and now having his rewire work in 72 countries and impacting over 500,000 lives. He brings science-backed strategies to rewire your thinking for health and wealth.

He is the author of best selling books “Wired for Wealth” and “Chasing Success” He is sought out by CEOs, celebrities, professional athletes and entrepreneurs to rewire their thinking.

The Dr. Rewire Process is a scientifically proven method for rewiring the fear, beliefs and habits that hold people back so they achieve the life they’ve always dreamed of.


Dr. Rewire created the process while running one of the biggest healthcare clinics in the country.


Using his health background coupled with 27 years of study and practice of the mind/body connection, the science of success and fulfillment, and research of human behavior, he developed his own approach which now includes 92 techniques and tools to rewire the brain.

Ready to transform your healer and coaching journey to create your Ultimate Life?


Dr. Alok Trivedi

Dr. Alok Trivedi is renowned for building the largest healthcare clinic and now having his rewire work in 72 countries and impacting over 500,000 lives. He brings science-backed strategies to rewire your thinking for health and wealth.

He is the author of best selling books “Wired for Wealth” and “Chasing Success” He is sought out by CEOs, celebrities, professional athletes and entrepreneurs to rewire their thinking.

The Trivedi Process is a scientifically proven method for rewiring the fear, beliefs and habits that hold you back so you can achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of.


Dr. Trivedi created the process while running one of the biggest healthcare clinics in the country.


Using his health background coupled with 27 years of study and practice of the mind/body connection, the science of success and fulfillment, and research of human behavior, he developed his own approach which now includes 92 techniques and tools to rewire the brain.

Ready to transform your healer and coaching journey to create your Ultimate Life?

✨ From The Desk Of Dr. Rewire

Hey there, Dedicated Healer and Visionary Coach,

 I invite you to pause and envision with me…

 Where do you see your life, your impact, six months from now? A year from now?

 Imagine waking up, not just to the buzz of an alarm, but to a heart full of purpose and a deep sense of knowing.

 Your phone lights up, not with stress-inducing notifications, but with heartfelt messages from clients whose lives you’ve transformed.

 You’re not just earning; you’re enriching lives.

 Your personal journey is more fulfilling than ever. Gone are the days of being held back by a scarcity mindset.

 Instead, your life is a vibrant tapestry of meaningful connections and joyous accomplishments.

 Your business isn’t just surviving; it’s a flourishing reflection of your passion and purpose.

 You’re leading transformative retreats in breathtaking destinations like Sedona, Costa Rica, or Bali.

 You’re empowering and healing, not just in your local community but across the globe, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

 You’re no longer stuck in the relentless cycle of trading time for money. Instead, you’re crafting a legacy, building a venture that’s as impactful as it is profitable.

 That life could be your reality after you join and take action at The Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge.

 Over five days, starting July 8th, we will embark on a journey of growth and discovery.

 I’ll be sharing with you scientifically backed strategies and heart-centered approaches that will elevate your practice, your income, and your impact.

 This Challenge is specially designed for healers, coaches, and clinic owners like you, who are committed to making a difference without sacrificing their integrity or selling their souls for a quick buck.

 We’re going to dive deep into creating an inspired, service-based business that fulfills not just your financial needs but also your soul’s calling.

 I’m extending my hand to you. Will you take the bold step to creating more impact 

and learn the skills to elevate your practice?

 Click the button below to join the Improve Your Coaching Skills Challenge. It’s time to fully step into your power and purpose.

👇 Get The Rewire Tools - Click Below To Join The Challenge👇


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